Logo guidelines

Since 2008, we've been helping the cannabis community smile.
We encourage you to learn how to properly use the Weedmaps logo for each expression you create. 

Primary mark

Short mark

Use to introduce our brand

Use only when space is limited

Clear space & sizing

Center the smile

Keep at least 1 MH clear on vertical sides of all versions of the Weedmaps logo. Keep at least 1 MW clear on horizontal sides of all versions of the Weedmaps logo. It’s ideal to keep as much space around the logo as possible.

The logo should be positioned horizontally center-point of the smile. The trademark should be considered as a floating element and not be considered as part
of the mass of the logo.

Proper trademarks and usage

For use within the U.S or Canada, the Weedmaps logos must be accompanied by the appropriate symbol.
Trademark rights vary by country, and some countries have penalties for improper use of the registration symbol.
If you would like to use our logo outside of the U.S or Canada, contact branding@weedmaps.com.

Use ONLY approved assets

Never use colors outside the brand


Always provide clear space

Never recreate or modify the logo

Make sure ® is visible (U.S. & Canada only) 

Never misuse colors with logotype

Always use background contrast to compliment

Never use a drop shadow or glow

Always use the full weedmaps + smile or wm + smile

Never distort the logotype

Color usage

Our logo uses three colors: High teal, peppercorn and white. Ideally the logo is to be used on a white
background for maximum impact and clarity. When this is not possible, be sure to choose background colors
or photos that provide sufficient contrast with the logo.


R0 G205 B190

C66 M0 Y29 K0

PMS 3255 c


R37 G41 B53

C30 M23 Y0 K79

PMS 426 c


R255 G255 B255

C0 M0 Y0 K0


Primary background colors for logo use

Monochromatic logotype usage

Used only when there are not enough colors to properly reproduce
the primary logotype or approved for specific campaigns and partnerships.

General marketing material usage

If you want to use our logo on your product packaging, on billboards or any other use not listed below, you will need to get prior permission and possibly enter into a trademark license agreement with Weedmaps. Please reach out to branding@weedmaps.com for more information or to obtain permission.

Review us on and find us on

The “Review Us On” and “Find Us” logo is used for existing Weedmaps listings. Use this logo on your website or social media posts to drive traffic back to your Weedmaps listing page. Perfect For: Retail & Brand Websites, Social Media Posts, In-Store Print Materials, Posters, Educational Info-Cards and Business Cards.

Co-branded event sponsorship

We believe in true collaboration — If Weedmaps is sponsoring your event, you may use the “powered By” logo (though please don’t list us as a “Sponsor” unless we”re actually sponsoring your event). 

Other Use Cases: Event Print Materials, Email Newsletter

Social Media Posts or Websites.

Other media

If intended use of the Weedmaps logo is any other outlet, you may use the Weedmaps Primary Mark with prior, written permission. To obtain permissible use of the Primary Mark, please contact us at branding@weedmaps.com.

Primary mark can be used with written permission.

Download our asset package

If you wish to use the weedmaps logo for outside media,
please contact us at branding@weedmaps.com





A community connecting cannabis consumers, patients, retailers, doctors, and brands since 2008.

Copyright © 2022 Weedmaps. Weedmaps,


are registered trademarks of Ghost Management Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Weedmaps Logo
Weedmaps Logo - Secondary